

周一, 5月20日, 2024, 波士顿大学学院在波士顿大学蔡表演中心举办了第30届毕业典礼. bbin娱乐平台 2024届毕业生上台接受校长Chris Kolovos和副校长Rosemary White颁发的毕业证书. Ibukun Owolabi '24 and Anais Kim '24 delivered the student addresses; Olga Meserman '24 and Elizabeth Brown '24 recited the Classics orations in Latin and Greek, 分别. 毕业典礼结束后,毕业生和他们的家人在波士顿大学海滩举行了庆祝招待会. 波士顿大学 President ad interim Kenneth W. Freeman delivered this year's 毕业典礼 keynote address. 弗里曼校长用他40年的商业生涯给我们的毕业生传授了一些人生经验, remarking: "I have three messages for you. If you adopt them as part of your toolkit, you'll make a difference in the world; you'll enjoy your life personally and professionally; and you can do so with a... 更多的

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bbin娱乐平台 Hosts First Annual Senior Thesis Symposium

今年,北航引进了一个新的论坛来展示我们的前辈的高水平研究. On May 13, 2024, bbin娱乐平台 hosted its first annual Senior Thesis Symposium. 高年级的53名成员在GSU的梅特卡夫大厅的海报会议上展示了他们的作品, followed by individual thesis presentations. The topics ranged from CRISPR to cowboys, 欧里庇得斯对宇宙说, 从时尚到存在主义哲学, 埃利·威塞尔的白色屋顶. 研讨会提供了一个舞台来庆祝我们的前辈和他们卓越的论文研究, 他们在bbin娱乐平台经历的学术高潮:确定一个值得探索的问题, 寻求指导, 研究深入, 运用批判性的分析视角, communicating conclusions to a non-expert audience, 回答问题. 阅读下面2024年毕业论文标题的完整列表,准备好惊讶吧!     2024级毕业论文称号 CRISPR的历史和伦理 The Ethical Dilemma of Busing in Massachusetts:... 更多的

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Lobstah机器人 机器人 Team Nets Honors at New England District Championships

bbin娱乐平台的机器人团队, Lobstah机器人, 参加了在斯普林菲尔德举行的第一届新英格兰地区机器人锦标赛, 2024年4月初获得硕士学位. Although the team fell short of qualifying for the world championships, it performed at a high level on the field: on the final day of competition, Lobstah机器人 won the FIRST Innovation in Control Award, 哪一个是给一个机器人的“创新和独特”的控制方案,是“与机器集成”, 人类玩家, and strategy” in both concept and execution. Its practical and sleek mechanical design, paired with impressive auto-align and LED signaling in software, made the team's robot -- dubbed "The Woodpecker" -- stand out from the crowd. 这是球队历史上最具竞争力和最成功的赛季之一. 在2月份, Lobstah机器人受邀在国际实验室与自动化学会展示他们的工作和机器人... 更多的

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We are wrapping our admissions season – and what a season it was. We received more applications than ever in the school’s history. We were more selective than we’ve ever been. 我们的秋季入学人数已经满了. We extended financial aid funding to every student we felt should be here, 再次保持没有经济援助候补名单-这是我们价值观的证明,也是我们社区慈善慷慨的产物. 最重要的是, in the fall we will welcome an extraordinarily talented, 种类, 好奇的, 不同群体的新生. 我都等不及让你见见他们了! 我写这封信是为了感谢所有在今年的录取过程中发挥作用的人. 这是许多人的工作. 感谢数十位进行招生面试和参加小组讨论的北亚大学校友. Thank you to our 父母 who shared their experiences at events, reached out... 更多的


上个星期天, many of our families celebrated Easter, with others set to celebrate in early May according to the Orthodox calendar. I wish you all a happy and blessed Paschal season. 我还向本月庆祝斋月和下周庆祝开斋节的穆斯林家庭致以热烈的祝愿. 开斋节穆巴拉克. With their teacher away from school attending a national art educator conference, I had the pleasure of covering a first-period painting class this morning. 上课前, I sat at the teacher’s desk clicking away at my keyboard, 太过专注于清理收件箱,每隔几分钟就抬头问候一下学生们. At 8:55, the bell rang to mark the start of class. 我合上笔记本电脑的屏幕,站起来,发现有十个学生坐在教室周围. 他们手里拿着画笔,面前的托盘上放着调色板,低头全神贯注... 更多的

Purpose through Research and Action that Matter

This week, we heard from two bbin娱乐平台 alumni at all-school meetings. 16岁的deheekshita Kumar谈到了她作为一名企业家的职业生涯,以及她在bbin娱乐平台的经历如何让她走上了这条道路. 她告诉我们,她和她的朋友们在高中时在英语老师的支持和指导下出版了一本诗集, 谁揭开了自助出版的神秘面纱. 她描述了设想和启动北亚中学模拟联合国锦标赛的过程。, 哪一个现在已经成为一种制度. 她从在bbin娱乐平台将想法付诸实践的经历中获得的信心给了她一生的“我能做到”的态度, 在大学期间和毕业后从事有社会意义的工作,哪些因素转化为创业成功. 我们还听到了乔恩·弗里曼(Jon Freeman)的来信,他是今年杰出校友奖的获得者. 乔恩是哥伦比亚大学的教授兼研究员,研究社会心理学... 更多的

Global Trips and the Wall-Less Classroom

几个小时后, 50名北澳学生, guided by trip leaders from the 教师 and 工作人员, will be heading off on three place-based intellectual adventures. 其中一组前往伊斯坦布尔, where they will build on their bbin娱乐平台 study of classical history, 现代政治与文化, and geometry through Ottoman architecture and ornamentation. Another is off to Paris for a hands-on literary experience, 参观了许多美国文学课程的外籍作家经常光顾的地方,并在那里完成了日常的写作任务. The third group heads to New York City for an art-focused whirlwind – jazz clubs, 博物馆, 歌剧, 戏剧, and more – supplementing the work they do every day in the bbin娱乐平台 studio, 剧院, 还有音乐室. 这些不是观光旅行. They are a wall-less version of the bbin娱乐平台 classroom. I am grateful to all the 教师 and 工作人员 members who have... 更多的


昨天, our 10th graders took part in a lunch talk with Dr. 英格丽德·安德森是波士顿大学埃利·威塞尔犹太研究中心的副主任. Dr. 安德森, 她在波士顿大学获得了博士学位, took many classes with Elie Wiesel when he was a professor here, 与他密切合作, 他对威塞尔和他的作品做了大量的研究和写作. 学生们正在历史课上学习关于大屠杀和以色列国建立的单元. They recently read Elie Wiesel’s Night, 这本著名的回忆录讲述了威塞尔在大屠杀期间在奥斯威辛和布痕瓦尔德的经历, and will be reading Wiesel’s Dawn shortly, a fictional work set in the immediate postwar period. Dr. 安德森分享了威塞尔作为老师和导师的个人故事, explored his views on morality and politics, 描述了数以百计的... 更多的


bbin娱乐平台度过了令人兴奋的一周! 上周五, the Jazz Band and Swamp Cats entertained students, 教师, 工作人员, 父母, and even grand父母 for our Valentine’s Cabaret. 舞池里热闹非凡. 昨天, 在热闹的家乡观众面前,男生和女生的大学篮球队都在势均力敌的比赛中赢得了联赛冠军. 在女孩游戏中, senior Anais Kim reached a rare milestone – scoring 1,1000分——考虑到她在短短三年内就做到了这一点,这更令人印象深刻(COVID取消了她的9年级赛季)。. Tonight, we will celebrate the Lunar New Year in that same gym. Students from the East Asian Students Association, 还有几十位家长, 有条理的食物, 音乐, and games to share this important cultural moment with the whole bbin娱乐平台 family. All are welcome, and we hope to see many of you there. 我很惊讶有多少人... 更多的


周二,波士顿大学临时校长肯·弗里曼在全校会议上发表了讲话. President Freeman has a distinguished history of service to BU, including eight years as the Dean of BU’s Questrom School of Business. That service followed a nearly forty-year career in industry, including senior executive positions at Corning, 探索诊断, 和私募股权公司KKR. 2013年,《BBIN集团官方网站》将他评为全球100位表现最佳的首席执行官之一. He knows some things about leadership – his topic that morning. He offered a lively overview of what we know about successful leadership, 在他的演讲中穿插轶事,并将其建立在几十年来关于什么有效、什么无效的学术研究基础之上. 他邀请学生们思考自己喜欢的领导风格,并要求他们开始发展自己的领导哲学. 他吹捧情商的中心地位. Most notably, he assured our students that leadership is... 更多的